Maker of Art, Documentary & VR Films
A selection of work ranging from documentary to collaborative arts and
experimental film. This work has been screened across various platforms from cinema to gallery and TV.
Covid -19 Community Cinema
Documentary, 2020
TV Segment
A small community in an old neighbourhood of Cork City explore the magic of cinema together from the safe space of their own gardens during the restrictions of a worldwide pandemic.
Everything Alive Is In Movement
Participatory Arts Project, 2017
Cinema, Gallery, TV, Airlines
Everything Alive Is In Movement is a short film about the power of the female spirit to transcend and transform the human body. Following four women who have suffered an acquired brain injury, the camera gently forges an intimate relationship between the viewer and the performer over four individual vignettes. Each woman is allowed the space to weave their story through a wordless series of movements, allowing their bodies to sing the siren songs of their past, present and futures. Funded by the Arts Council of Ireland.
Participatory Arts Project, 2018
Site Specific Installation,
Arts Festival & Cinema
Four girls go deep into the dark recesses of their psyche to explore what it is to be female on the cusp of adolescence.
This commission involved the making of three video art pieces for installation in Mark Storer's Cork Midsummer Festival collaborative arts project. This involved workshopping with children's groups in a community in the Northside of Cork City as part of the Cork City North West Quarter Regeneration Project.
Funded by The Per Cent for Art Scheme.
Invasive Species
Arts Documentation, 2017
Experimental film commissioned by the Domestic Godless to document and respond to their Invasive Species installation in the 2017 Athens Biennale. The Domestic Godless are a trio of artists that explore the potential of food (its taste, its presentation, history and cultural values) as a vehicle for irreverent artistic endeavour and experimentation.
Funded by Culture Ireland.